I work according to the principle of optimal quality.
This means:
With regard to the application and duration of use, positive and negative characteristics are assessed on a target group basis. Important properties are particularly promoted, high-quality components are installed in a good place. This means that the best value for money is achieved with high quality. In any case, a permanent quality assurance is carried out. Vulnerabilities are detected and prevented. In the end, the overall quality is crucial. The inclusion of this principle ensures your good image on the market and with your suppliers. The system package has to cover that, if the end customer actually needed for his application and its useful life. Often the market misrepresents features and properties. This must be captured in the advertising and the operating instructions.
Trastore Energy

Ein äußerst effektives, pragmatisches und sofort umsetzbares Konzept:
Unser Konzept zielt darauf ab, die gängige Annahme zu hinterfragen, dass Speicher entweder in jedem Haushalt oder an beliebigen Standorten installiert werden sollten. Es existiert ein optimaler Ort, an dem Speicher am effektivsten und kostengünstigsten eingesetzt werden können. Dank heutiger Technologien wie LoRA und neuer Speicherentwicklungen ist genau jetzt der ideale Zeitpunkt, um damit zu beginnen.
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